National Crisis Support: Mission, Vision, and Core Values


National Crisis Support cultivates mental health, education, and support for all; using competence, creativity, and evidence-based practices provided by staff alongside donation-based funding sources.


To provide free opportunities for growth of practitioners and clients that are mutually beneficial,

through training, education, therapeutic alliance, and superior counseling services. We create accessible

services for all in order to

…provide necessary mental health care, regardless of income or insurance

…further hone education and therapeutic skills of providers

…nurture the whole person and address a wide range of mental health needs

…assist those with mental health needs and in crisis through appropriate services

…ensure everyone has access to appropriate support to live their best life through care and connection

with resources

Core Values

Mental health care is a BASIC human right

              Breaking down barriers to necessary mental health services

              Advancing mental health community through education and skill building

              Safely receive care

              Income and insurance should not affect care

              Collaboration to provide best possible services

Get in Touch!

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Fill out this short form and a member of our team will get back to you.